Signs are one of those easily forgotten necessities…until there’s a problem. Who among us hasn’t experienced sign “meltdown?” This is what happens when directional and identifying signage is confusing, inadequate, or even non-existent. Thoroughfares and transportation centers from airports to rail stations are too often prime examples of poorly thought-out signage that, in turn, leads to unhappy and frustrated customers.
And what about those hidden restroom signs? Anyone with an aging bladder can attest to the importance of finding a restroom efficiently upon entering a retail establishment.
Don’t be a casualty of “sign deficiency.” Make sure your company’s directional and identifying signage is correct, complete and easily understood. While this may sound like a no-brainer, it often is more complex than would appear at first glance. Here are just a few examples of how signage issues can spur customer dissatisfaction:
Unclear or non-existent identification of specific offices/workspaces and needed directions. Visitors should be able to find people and/or departments without having to use their sixth senses. In the case of departments, painted guide lines on the floor, walls, even ceilings can bring a bit of panache to the process—along with more traditional directional signage. Identification signs for individual workspaces can be every bit as much about employee acknowledgement as customer convenience. Lack of identifying signs can also connote to the visitor that this person isn’t very important. That doesn’t set a good tone in any respect;
Particularly in areas with traffic and/or pedestrian congestion, well-thought-out directional signage is critical. The last thing anyone wants to do is miss an entrance because of signage that’s hard to decipher or placed in such a way as to confuse people about the correct point of entry;
Monument signs with numerous business names that are poorly designed can make it difficult for a visitor to determine quickly if the company they seek is in a particular area. To the fullest extent possible, make these types of signs a quick-read so that people don’t stop up traffic or get distracted in a way that causes an accident or road rage;
Banner signs tied to an event must be anchored in such a way as to remain legible with high winds, darkness (if applicable), and other challenging conditions. In the interest of quick production, logistics of placing and anchoring banners can get lost in the shuffle.
Properly planned and developed, signage can carry many benefits beyond the obvious. For example, a company with relatively small numbers of daily visitors could post the names, photos, associated company logos, etc. of people expected in a given day or week on its front door or even monument sign. Talk about feeling acknowledged!
Because of its often “pedestrian” nature, the issue of signage gets relegated to the “needed, but do it later” pile because no one’s really available or motivated in-house to get it handled. Solution: Hand it off to Colographic.
Our experience in vehicle and large-format graphics actually gives us a major leg up in both knowing how to assess and address your signage needs. First, we’ll assess what you have, don’t have, need, and may want to consider. Then, we’ll address how to get you there in a way that’s both efficient and budget conscious.
From simple banners and directional identifiers to aluminum signs, monument signs, and wall graphic signage, the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Let’s talk.