Fleet Graphics Blog
ADA Signage: What is it? Why does my building need it?
The function of ADA signage is to make public areas easier to navigate for people with disabilities. ADA signs are important for a very simple reason: they are required by law. “ADA” stands for Americans with Disabilities Act, a law enacted in 1990 to prohibit discrimination against people with [...]
Can Vehicle Wraps be Repaired?
There are many variables to assess in order to determine if a vehicle wrap needs to be repaired or redone entirely, and the best solution for one customer may not be the best solution for another. If your vinyl decals on your car begin to fail, do not attempt [...]
Caring for Vinyl Car Decals & Fleet Graphics
We often are asked about caring for vinyl car decals and fleet graphics. The investment in vinyl graphics for cars and trucks can be substantial and protecting your vehicle lettering / wraps saves you money and keeps your brand fresh. There are several types of failures to these vinyl [...]
Are You Going Through a Branding Change?
Are you going through a brand change? Have you thought about your commercial fleet graphics? Some companies change their fleet graphics because of a merger or buyout. Others just want to freshen up their brand or want to send a new message. Companies like Virgin Airlines change theirs regularly. [...]
Halloween Contest 2020
Annual Colographic Halloween Contest Which costume is the best? Vote online at: Halloween 2020 Costume Contest Hope you have a happy and safe Halloween!
To Our Community
At Colographic, we live and do our jobs with the knowledge that everything we do makes a ripple from our internal community all the way out into the world. So we always strive to do the right thing regardless of the impact on our bottom line. Ahead of all else [...]
Halloween 2019 Costume Contest
Annual Colographic Halloween Contest Which costume is the best? Vote online at: Halloween 2019 Costume Contest Hope you have a happy and safe Halloween!
Jimmy Gets Kudos
Our own Jimmy Burds recently won the first quarterly “Community Leadership & Contributor Award 2017” at the Commerce City Business & Professional Association (CCBPA). While the award says it is “Presented to Jimmy Burds of Colographic in grateful appreciation for your dedication to the Commerce City community,” the nominator [...]
Remember The Typewriter?
If you ever used one, you know that comparing it to today’s computers is an apples-and-oranges exercise. Make a mistake on a typewriter, and you had to white it out or strike over it. Besides being time-consuming and distracting, it was a royal pain. Then the computer age started. Mistakes [...]